Every guitar has a story and we love vintage guitars and basses and their Guitar Stories
We are committed to the passion and preservation of the vintage guitar legacy of the finest guitars ever made. We Buy, Sell and Broker to find new homes for these amazing vintage guitars, basses and amplifiers through Winter Park Vintage Guitars.

There are many conflicting viewpoints about who invented the electric guitar. Like many great innovations, no one person can be fully credited with all technological advancements that led to the ultimate creation of the first electric guitar; however, there are...

We only hand select in-person all vintage guitars and basses we offer for sale to our clients. Rick has been playing guitar and bass since the mid 1970s and can tell immediately whether a guitar has the right stuff; if not, we don’t offer it. Magnificent ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s vintage guitars and bass guitars. Please contact us if you have a vintage guitar to sell, buy, trade or consign.
Watch this video if you’ve been considering selling a quality guitar. If so, to get the most for your guitar contact Rick at Winter Park Vintage Guitars.
The guitar story behind this beautiful 1958 Gibson Les Paul Custom is that it was purchased by Bob Marciante (Bob Marcy), an entertainer, guitarist drummer and mainstay performer in the Chicagoland area in 1958 from a friend who only had it a few months. Here’s where the story gets interesting...

There are many conflicting viewpoints about who invented the electric guitar. Like many great innovations, no one person can be fully credited with all technological advancements that led to the ultimate creation of the first electric guitar; however, there are...
After 46 years, Black Beauty comes home to Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page