2014 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo
The 2014 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo held earlier this year was two days of pure fun for me and for all guitarists in the Central Florida area. For me, the fun of any guitar show is that you never know what you will find when Guitar Dealers from all over the U.S. and the world come with their guitar and amplifier collections. The 27th Annual 2015 show is right around the corner, to be held at the same location, Orlando Fairgrounds on West Highway 50 (Colonial Drive) on January 17th and 18th. Get excited because the 2015 show is sure to be two solid days of guitar heaven and where sellers and buyers will meet to find that rare guitar and strike a deal.
Hidden Vintage Guitar Gems
For any guitar collector, it is the thrill of the hunt that inspires attendees to attend guitar shows. For me it is no different because you never know what hidden guitar gems you will find. At last years show, I found an actual 1959 Gibson Les Paul Burst at a very affordable price for such a guitar. Interesting note stating that it was re-necked at the Gibson factory,
1959 Gibson Les Paul Burst
As all serious guitar collectors know, the 1959 Les Paul Burst is the “Holy Grail” of electric guitars. These are guitars that normally sell at auction for $200,000 to $500,000 and continue to go up in value as the vintage guitar market heats up, as it did on 2014. For me, it is these vintage Bursts that make any show worth attending. Maybe one day I’ll be lucky enough to afford one but for now, I’m okay for the thrill of the hunt just to see and hold one. They are amazing guitars and I’m hoping this year at the 2015 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo, I’ll find at least one of these as well as many other beautiful vintage guitars and amps.
Guitar Dealers from around the Country & the World
At the 2014 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo, I was surprised how many Dealers were there from all around the country and the world. There were Guitar Dealers from New York, South Carolina, Michigan, Texas, Tennessee and California, and even Spain and France, just to name a few places. Some were small shops run by savvy individuals who have been in this business for a long time as well as big Dealers like Mike Rock from Sam Ash Music.
Previous guitar shows were held at different venues but the show has found a home at the conveniently located Orlando Fairgrounds inside exhibition building and it continues to gain growing interest and success there. I’m looking forward to catching up with some of my Guitar Dealer friends I haven’t seen since last year and pick their brains about the vintage guitar market. Remember, most Guitar Dealers actually come to show like the Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo to BUY guitars. So if you have been wanting to unload a guitar that you don’t play anymore to buy a new guitar for your collection, this is the place to be.
Photos from the 2014 Show
Enjoy these great pictures from the 2014 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo to get you fired up to attend the 2015 show in a few weeks. Wherever I go when traveling, I always check for Guitar shows near me because there is no greater thrill than to be on a trip and come up with an expected guitar show score!
There is a guitar here for everyone and I know there will be some great guitars for sale and on display. I’m sure you get as passionate as I do for guitar shows because of the variety of guitars and dealers. Some of these guitars are just the coolest and many of these guitars were at great prices.
If you are reading this years after 2014, be sure and note some of the prices and see how they stack up to current market prices for guitars, especially these vintage guitars.
Videos from the 2014 Show
At the 2014 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo, I interviewed a couple of interesting folks I enjoyed talking to. Below are the videos of those interviews, one from a custom Guitar Builder from Michigan and one from a Guitar Dealer who used to play on the original Alan Freed Rock and Roll Tour in the 1950s. I never know who I’ll meet at this show so for me, that’s also a big part of the fun. Enjoy these clips.
Guitar Stories USA at the Orlando International Guitar Expo, Jan., 2014, interviewing Mr. Hal Hammer, Jr. Hal is a blues and rock guitar playing since he did the Alan Freed Rock and Roll Tours back in the 1950s...to promote this new thing called Rock and Roll!
This video is about Bowler Bros Guitar Makers out of Grand Haven, Michigan. Interview by GuitarStoriesUSA at the Orlando International Guitar Expo, January, 2014.
2015 Orlando International
Guitar and Music Expo Information
Here is all of the information you need for the 27th Annual 2015 Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo. I’ll see you there and let’s go guitar hunting!
Rick Baker
Show to be held January 17 & 18, 2015
Orlando Fairgrounds in Orlando, Florida on West Highway 50 (Colonial Drive)
Contact Morty Beckman to reserve an Exhibition Table or for a VIP Dealer Day Pass for Dealer Day on January 16th.
You can reach Morty Beckman at:
Phone: 850-962-4434
Email: guitarexpo22@yahoo.com
Website: Orlando International Guitar and Music Expo