Edward Van Halen
The Greatest of All Time
Eddie Van Halen
We sadly lost perhaps the greatest guitar legend, the best of his generation and the guy who redefined electric guitar for all of us, all with that “impish grin” on his face at all times, as his ex-wife Valerie called it. As I look back at many of the great photos of EVH being shared, it brings back so many memories and questions:
How does he jump so high on stage? How does he make it look effortless?
I’m grateful I took advantage of seeing Van Halen live many times since the early 80s. The last time was in April of 2012, with Wolfie and Diamond David Lee Roth in Orlando, Florida. The electricity was palpable very single time I saw Van Halen and I can’t say that about the hundreds of bands I’ve seen live.
Eddie Van Halen Played For The Song
Most fans fixate on his incredible solos that were unlike anyone else, before or since, but for me it was his rhythm playing that always got to me, and of course the songwriting. They say music is “emotion in sound” and when I think of Van Halen, its always been a combination of those emotions with incredible skill and technique. Eddie admitted he was all about the rhythm and playing for the song…his solos were the icing on the cake.
Eddie Van Halen - Bombastic Yet Humble
Eddie was so cool and people I know who knew him say that when he met someone, he always gave his complete attention and made you feel like you were the most important person in the room, knowing full well that all eyes were on him. A force of outgoing and bombastic personality yet when asked what he thought when people called him a rock star or a guitar god, he preferred to think of himself as a Musician first. More guitar player need to be like Eddie and think more about playing for the song instead of showing off or trying to dominate the band.
Van Halen Had Fun Playing and it Showed
How many hard rockers do you ever see smile on stage? Most guitarists are so concerned about coming off looking like a badass rocker, especially in the hard rock and metal groups I love, but not Eddie Van Halen. He looked like a kid just having the time of his life up on stage and it was obvious, he wasn’t faking it. It was genuine joy and pleasure and you could see it when his face lit up with that impish grin.
Eddie Van Halen Was A Prankster
I’ve heard stories from people who were there and I have no reason to doubt them. Eddie was always trying to prank people. A friend of mine was a limo driver for Van Halen at a 1991 show in Indiana shared a perfect example of this. The band had already flown into town but Eddie flew in a bit later. From the moment he got in the limo, he was telling my friend that he really had to pee and how long before they got to the hotel. Apparently he laid it on thick and was acting like he was ready to explode, but the whole thing was a gag!
When Van Halen was leaving town, he drove them all together to the airport and Eddie started in with his “I really have to pee” bit but this time, my friend called his bluff in front of the other guys. They had know doubt seen Eddie run this prank before, but when my friend wasn’t buying it this time and told Eddie there may be some plastic cups back there, Ed leaned forward from the back of the limo and grabbed him around his neck, pretending to choke him as he was driving! The rest of the guys were laughing hysterically at Ed’s bluff being called. That story says so much about Edward Van Halen, Prankster!
Van Halen - Gone Too Soon
We’ll miss you Eddie!!!!!!!!
Van Halen Assorted Cool YouTube Videos
The legendary guitarist talks to Billboard about his rock'n'roll start as a kid and how a good guitar riff "engulfs you."
MTV's Chris Connelly visited Eddie Van Halen's home studio in 1998 to discuss building the space, breaking down guitars, and being a dad.
Howard Stern pays tribute to Eddie Van Halen, talks about the impact he had on rock music, and reads a message from Sammy Hagar.
Guitar Lesson - Eddie Van Halen Tapping Technique - Paul Davids
This guy nails it and I think rhythmically, this is one of Van Halen most interesting and difficult songs. One of my favs, as I graduated from high school in 1984, so the album 1984 holds special meaning for me.